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Online Banking

CDs & IRAs

Focus Your Savings

If you’re looking to get more out of your savings than what you can find in a traditional savings account, State Bank of Davis gives you options. From CDs that allow you to earn a better interest rate, to retirement accounts that allow you to save more effectively for retirement, we’ve got you covered. If you’re ready to focus your savings, you can get started by contacting our office to speak with one of our friendly team members.

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Certificates of Deposit

When you open a Certificate of Deposit (CD) at State Bank of Davis, you’re giving yourself the opportunity to earn a better interest rate. Here’s what you need to know about our CDs:

  • Terms ranging from 3 months to 5 years
  • Minimum deposit of $1,000 required
  • Earn competitive interest rate on your balance
  • Penalties may be imposed for early withdrawal

Retirement Accounts

There’s never a bad time to develop a strategy to start saving more effectively for your retirement. We offer several account options to allow you to save for your retirement. Compare our account options to see which one may be right for you.

Account Type

What You Need to Know About this Account

Traditional IRA

Persons  (of any age) with earned income,  are eligible to contribute

Earnings grow tax-deferred

Annual contributions may be tax-deductible

Roth IRA

Persons of any age are eligible if they meet certain income criteria

Contributions are not tax-deductible

Earnings grow tax-free

No tax or penalties on qualified withdrawals

Coverdell Educational IRA

Tax-free way to save for a child’s educational expenses

Funds can be used for expenses related to elementary, secondary and college education

SEP Account

Self-employed or small business owners are eligible to establish a SEP for themselves and their employees

Contributions and earnings grow tax-deferred until withdrawn

Simple IRA

Ideal for small employers who do not currently sponsor a retirement plan

Easy to set up and low administrative costs

Employees and employers are eligible to make contributions for employees

*Please consult your tax advisor to determine which retirement account is right for you.